Susan Weininger Photography _______________ Custom Photography and Editing

In sixth grade, I started taking pictures at school. I posed my classmates on the playground with their arms in the air and in motion. I thought they looked more interesting that way and it was certainly more fun for them and for me. That began my love for photography.
While I was getting my degree from UCLA in Communication Studies, I took a few photo classes. I was also frequenting rock concerts and I found that I loved photographing people as they performed on stage; individuals and companies (including Rolling Stone) wanted to buy my photos. This hobby was getting even more interesting!
A whole new world opened up for me when I switched from film to digital. I learned Photoshop and began enhancing my own images. The creative possibilities were thrilling and I started experimenting. I'm still doing that.
Recent projects include photos for performers Kenny Loggins, REO Speedwagon, Five for Fighting, Vonda Shepard, The Pasadena Playhouse, People Magazine, Keyboard Magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, Music News Nashville, Best Classic, foundation events, Beyond The Acorn, ACT Today! and regional newspapers.
There is no type of photography that I don't enjoy and I learn something new every day.
- Susan